Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)

An institute with new perspectives for interdisciplinary research

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Mission Statement

The Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM) develops scientific foundations and empirical data to objectify the discussion on integration issues in Europe.

The starting point of the research is the question of how integration and migration processes have taken place in Germany and Europe to date and how they will develop in the future.

The institute is cooperative in nature and aims to establish a broad base for integration and migration research in Berlin.

With its research, it provides a transfer of knowledge to politics, civil society and the media.

Dynamics of modern societies

With the development of Europe into a global immigration region, questions about integration and migration processes, especially in Germany, have become central social and political research topics.
and migration processes, especially in Germany, have become central social and political focal points of research since the early 1980s.

What images and insights emerge, however, when modern societies are viewed as „migratory societies“ are observed and researched in their dynamics as a whole?

So far, research has tended to pursue these questions separately and with a division of labor.

Therefore, the BIM wants to bring together the often confusing scientific perspectives and political debates and bundle them anew.


Connection of different scientific disciplines

Eight departments, which bring their research knowledge from different institutes in Berlin, reflect the content range of the subject area of integration and migration.

The spectrum ranges from social, cultural and educational sciences to sports science, psychology and medicine.

Thus, the BIM combines very different scientific perspectives and methods.


New perspectives on integration and migration

Causes of educational inequalities between children with and without a migration background and possibilities for overcoming them are being researched. Occupational mobility processes in migration societies are also part of BIM's research agenda, as are the social integration functions of sports and soccer.

At the same time, BIM works on civic values and initiatives in social spaces of migration societies as well as on the socio-cultural framework of health and disease.

All these questions contribute to gaining new perspectives on the topic of integration and migration.

At the same time, questions about how to deal with social conflicts in migration societies and how to deal with diversity should come to the fore.

These must be further reflected in the German-speaking world with international references. 


Theory-driven empirical research

In doing so, the BIM focuses on theory-driven empirical research that repeatedly ties it back to basic research.

At the same time, a systematic transfer of research into the public sphere is strived for, ranging from the critical accompaniment of political debates to publicity-oriented events and media interventions. In this respect, BIM sees itself as an active observer of social developments. 


Renowned sponsoring and supporting partners

The BIM is promoted and supported by

Interdisciplinary Center (IZ): Directorate and Center Council

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The BIM is an Interdisciplinary Center (IZ) of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
With the classification Type 3, it has been made permanent.

It thus contributes to the sharpening and strengthening of the research focus on integration and migration across different faculties.

The BIM is headed by a double head with

in the board of directors.

The Center Council consists of a composition of professors and academic staff and is elected within the status groups by the General Assembly. 

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees supports and advises the BIM in the areas of research, teaching, knowledge transfer, funding and public relations. It meets annually and includes, among others, the funding and support partners of the BIM.
Chairperson of the Board of Trustees is:


  • Minister of State Reem Alabali-Radovan,
    Minister of State to the Federal Chancellor and Federal Government Commissioner
    for Migration, Refugees and Integration, also Federal Government Commissioner
    for Anti-Racism

 Members of the Board of Trustees are:


BIM as part of the DeZIM research community

The BIM is part of the DeZIM research community (DeZIM-FG).

The DeZIM-FG is a network of seven nationwide institutes, associations, and departments at different research institutionsinstitutions, which are thematically related to integration and migration research.

The DeZIM-FG is coordinated by the DeZIM-Institute in Berlin and seven research networking
offices at the respective institutes.

Further members of the DeZIM-FG are, besides the BIM:

The tasks of the DeZIM-FG are the networking of the three FG cooperation projects and all staff members of the FG institutes and the DeZIM-Institute through conferences, workshops, newsletters, publication formats and lecture series.

Special attention is given to the promotion of young researchers in the interdisciplinary field of integration and migration research. The DeZIM-FG is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

The contact person at the BIM for research networking is Daniel Kubiak.
is at your disposal. Contact:

For more information on the DeZIM-FG and the cooperation projects, please click here:



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