Mira Wallis
- Department of Integration, Social Networks and Cultural Lifestyles
- Research Associate Project Digitalisation of Labour and Migration
Mira Wallis is a research associate and doctoral candidate at BIM and at the Institute for European Ethnology (IfEE) at Humboldt University Berlin. Most recently, she worked in the research project "Digitalisation of Labour and Migration" (2018-2022).
Previously, she worked at the Centre for Digital Cultures (CDC) and the Institute for Sociology and Cultural Organisation (ISKO) at Leuphana University Lüneburg. She completed her studies at the IfEE (M.A.) and the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science at the Free University of Berlin (B.A.), with stays abroad in Cape Town and Istanbul.
Her dissertation investigates digital platform labour (so-called crowdwork) in Germany and Romania and locates this new form of home-based work in the nexus of digital labour, (im)mobility, and social reproduction. The project aims to understand how crowdwork platforms reconfigure forms and practices of mobility and immobility, thereby transforming not only relations of production but also conditions of reproduction.
Research Interests
- Labour, mobility and migration
- Digital transformation, platform economy and crowdwork
- Social reproduction and (digital) home-based work
Selected Publications
- 2021: »Digital Labour and Social Reproduction – Crowdwork in Germany and Romania«, In: Spheres. Journal for Digital Cultures. #6 Politics of Reproduction.
- 2021: »Logistical Futures. The Chinese Dream, Debordering Labor and Migration«. In: Dutta, M. and Heidenreich, N. (eds.): Fake Hybrid Sites Palimpsest. Essays on Leakages. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 158–172, (with Moritz Altenried und Manuela Bojadžijev).
- 2021: Digital Labor Between Germany and Romania. In: EASTEAST.
- 2021: Plattformkapitalismus und die Krise der sozialen Reproduktion [Platform Capitalism and the Crisis of Social Reproduction]. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot (edited volume with Moritz Altenried and Julia Dück).
- 2020: »Die ›Caring Crowd‹: Wenn hinter dem Label KI eigentlich digitale Heimarbeit steckt [The ›Caring Crowd‹: Digital Home-based Labour behind AI]«. In: Berliner Gazette (with Moritz Altenried und Manuela Bojadžijev).
- 2020: »Platform Im/mobilities: Migration and the Gig Economy in Times of Covid-19«, In: Routed. Migration & (Im)Mobility Magazine, 10 (with Moritz Altenried und Manuela Bojadžijev).
- 2018: »Zurück in die Zukunft: Digitale Heimarbeit [Back to the Future: Digital Home-Based Labour]«. In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften 4/2018, 24–27 (with Moritz Altenried).
- 2018: »Logistics under Construction. Fantasies and Frictions of Mobility in the Berlin-Brandenburg Airport Region«. In: Berliner Blätter 78, 27-55 (with Franziska Baum, Patrick DeDauw, Carmen Grimm, Laura Lambert, Žiga Podgornik-Jakil, Fabian Stark).
- 2018: »Researching Labour Mobility in Digital Times«. In: Border Criminologies Blog, University of Oxford (with Moritz Altenried und Manuela Bojadžijev).
- 2018: Logistical Borderscapes. Politics and Mediation of Mobile Labor in Germany after the „Summer of Migration“. In: South Atlantic Quarterly 117(2), 291-312 (with Moritz Altenried, Manuela Bojadžijev, Leif Höfler, Sandro Mezzadra).
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