Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | BIM | Projects | Einstein Fellows (Research Group)

Einstein Fellows (Research Group)

At Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HU), a coordinated group of female researchers was established in 2018 with female scientists from the funding program "Freedom of Science" of the Einstein Foundation Berlin was founded.

Research, involvement, networking

The eight fellows are based at the Institute for Social Sciences (ISW), the Integrated Research Institute Law and Society (IRI) and the Berlin Institute for Empirical Migration and Integration Research (BIM).

They conduct research on the two thematic areas of migration, flight and diaspora (at BIM) and democracy, rule of law and autocratization (at ISW and IRI).

Organized as a group of researchers, the fellows are not only integrated into the ongoing academic operations and teaching at the HU institutes. They are involved in internal university processes and establish contacts to existing projects.

Furthermore, they establish a productive scientific environment by exchanging ideas, consulting and networking with other scientists.

As academic staff members of the HU, they independently organize network meetings and events, present themselves to the outside world as a group of experts, and are perceived as active competitors in the German academic landscape.


Sustainable perspective

Thus, the prerequisites are in place for the Einstein Fellows to continue on their path as recognized female scientists in Germany after the end of their funding.

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