Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)

Dr. Karolina Fetz

Fetz Karolina SW


  • Research associate of the junior research group
    „Determinants of radicalization-related resilience in adolescence“


Profile ZIS


Karolina Fetz has been working as a research associate at BIM since July 2015 and did her PhD on maintenance mechanisms of subtle ethnic prejudices.

Since July 2019, she is a research associate (co-project leader) of the BMFSFJ-funded junior research group „Determinants of radicalization-related resilience in adolescence“.

Previously, she worked on a project on experiences of discrimination in Germany on behalf of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, among others. Prior to her work at BIM, Karolina Fetz was a research assistant at the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Osnabrück.

Her research interests lie at the intersection of social psychology and migration and integration research, particularly in the area of quantitative and experimental research on attitudes, prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination as well as intergroup relations.


Akademic and professional career


  • since 07/2015: Research Associate, Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research, Humboldt University Berlin
  • 12/2014-06/2015: Research Assistant, University of Osnabrück, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Socialization
  • 2016-2021: PhD in psychology (Dr. phil.), Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science, Bielefeld University
  • 2012-2014: Master's degree in "International Migration and Intercultural Relations" (M.A.), University of Osnabrück, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies
  • 2011-2012: Master studies "Health and Social Psychology" (M.Sc.), Maastricht University and University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 2008-2011: Bachelor studies in Psychology (B.Sc.), Maastricht University, The Netherlands, and Lund University, Sweden


Selected Publications


  • Kroh, M., Fetz, K., & Jacobsen, J. (in press). New party, right-wing traditions: Support for the AfD from an intergenerational perspective [New party, right-wing traditions: Support for the AfD from an intergenerational perspective]. To be published in: H.U. Brinkmann & K.-H. Reuband (Eds.): Right-wing populism in Germany: voting behavior in times of political polarization. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Fetz, K., & Kroh, M. (2021). Prejudice in disguise: Which features determine the subtlety of ethnically prejudicial statements? Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 9(1), 187-206.
  • Fetz, K., & Müller, T.S. (2020). Is One's Own Ethnic Prejudice Always Subtle? The Inconsistency of Prejudice Endorsement and Prejudice Awareness Depends on Self-Related Egalitarian Standards and Motivations. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 42(1), 1-28.
  • Fetz, K. (2018). "They're all the same!" - Why refugees are often perceived as a homogeneous group and which measures can contribute to a more individualized perception]. Fachnetz Flucht, 1.
    Available at
  • Beigang, S., Otto, M., Fetz, K., & Kalkum, D. (2017): A matter of weight. Reasons for different reactions to discrimination experiences [A matter of weight. Reasons for different reactions to discrimination experiences]. Knowledge creates democracy. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft, 2, 52-63. Available at
  • Beigang, S., Fetz, K., Kalkum, D., & Otto, M. (2017). Experiences of discrimination in Germany. Ergebnisse einer Repräsentativ- und einer Betroffenenbefragung [Discrimination experiences in Germany. Results from a representative survey and a survey with affected individuals]. Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Ed.). Baden-Baden: Nomos. Available at
  • Kroh, M., & Fetz, K. (2016). How is migration status measured in scientific surveys [How is the Migrant Status Measured in Scientific Surveys]? Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics, Medical Psychology, 66(9-10), 410.
  • Kroh, M., & Fetz, K. (2016). Das Profil der AfD-AnhängerInnen hat deutlich verändert seit der founding der Partei [The profile of the Alternative for Germany-supporters has changed considerably since the founding of the party]. DIW Wochenbericht, 83(34), 711-719. Available at
  • Beigang, S., Fetz, K., Foroutan, N., Kalkum, D., & Otto, M. (2016). Experiences of discrimination in Germany. Erste Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Erhebung und einer Betroffenenbefragung [Discrimination experiences in Germany. First results from a representative survey and a survey with affected individuals]. Berlin: Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency



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