Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | BIM | People | Department Chairs | Prof. Dr. Manuela Bojadzijev

Prof. Dr. Manuela Bojadžijev

Tel: +49 (0)30 2093-46255




Since 2020 W3 Professor for "Culture and Lifestyles in the Immigration Society" at BIM/HU Berlin.

From 2015 to 2020 Professor for Globalised Cultures at Leuphana University Lüneburg.

Manuela Bojadžijev was a research assistant at the Institute of European Ethnology at Humboldt University Berlin from 2010-15 and previously worked at Freie Universität Berlin, City University (University of London), Goldsmiths (University of London) and Goethe University Frankfurt (project "Transit Migration"), among others. During her doctorate, she was based at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main with a PhD Fellowship.

Research Interests


Her work focuses on the study of globalised and digital cultures as well as migration in a global perspective.

In addition to conceptual, methodological and epistemic questions of migration research, she is interested in the "dispute over migration" in migration societies and how social changes are narrated, lived and contested in and through modes of representation of migration and flight.

She also investigates current transformation processes of mobility and migration as well as racism, in interplay with changes in work and everyday life through digitalisation and logistics, predominantly in urban spaces and in geopolitical constellations.

Current Research Projects


  • "Transforming Solidarities. Practices and Infrastructures in the Migration Society", project management with Robin Celikates, Stefan Gosepath (FU Berlin), Moritz Altenried, Rahel Jaeggi , Wolfgang Kaschuba (Humboldt Universität), Ulrike Kluge (Charité), Matthias Berek, Sabine Hark, Hannah Meißner, Philipp Misselwitz, Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (TU Berlin) and other project and cooperation partners as part of the Berlin University Alliance, Grand Challenge Social Cohesion, 10/2020-10/23. Online at:
  • "Fairwork", project management with Mark Graham (Oxford) and Jan Kratzer (TU Berlin), Berlin University Alliance, OX|BUA Centre for Advanced Studies, Cooperation Group, 2021-2022. Online at:
  • "Night spaces: migration, culture and integration in Europe [NITE]", project leader, in cooperation with Dr Sara Brandellero (Leiden University), Dr Ben Campkin (University of London), Dr Derek Pardue (University of Aarhus) Dr Ailbhe Kenny (Mary Immaculate College Limerick) as part of the HERA Joint Research Programme "Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe", 04/2019-03/2022. Website:
  • "Digitisation of Work and Migration" (05/2018-04/2021), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Online at:
  • "Cultures of Rejection. Conditions of Acceptability in Socio-Spatial and Digital Environments (CURE)" (01/2019-01/2022) together with Stefan Jonsson from the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO) at Linköping University (Sweden), Birgit Sauer from the University of Vienna (Austria), Sanja Bojanic from the Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Rijeka (Croatia) and Irena Fiket from the Institute for Theory and Society at the University of Belgrade and in cooperation (International Advisory Board) with Michael Keith (Oxford) and Eric Fassin (Paris), funded by the Volkswagen Foundation in the programme "Challenges for Europe". Online

  • "Platform Labour in Urban Spaces: Fairness, Welfare, Development (PLUS)", (01/2019-12/2021) funded under the H2020 programme SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS.
  • Together with Carolin Emcke, she curates the "Archive of Flight" at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
  • "The Geopolitics of Automation", together with Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter from Western Sydney University, funded by the Australian Research Council in the Discovery Project program (2020-2024).


Current teaching at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

In the summer semester of 2021, she taught the seminar "Data Analysis in European Ethnology", the project seminar "Archive of Flight" and the research and doctoral colloquium at the Institute for European Ethnology.

In the winter semester 2020/21, she taught the courses "Introduction to Cultural Theories", "What is Racism/Difference?" and, together with Prof. Dr. Robin Celikates from Freie Universität, "Social Thought: Anthropology meets Philosophy".

Past Research Projects and Teaching


  • Head of the project "Worlding Cities. Migration and Cohesion in the Digitally Networked City" (11/2019-12/20) of the Berlin University Alliance, Grand Challenge Social Cohesion together with project partners Ulrike Kluge (Charité), Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Centre for Research on Anti-Semitism, TU Berlin), Philipp Misselwitz (Habitat Unit TU Berlin), Mark Graham (Oxford University).
  • Head of the small-scale research project "Migration as a central perspective on society" (11/2015-04/2019) at Leuphana University Lüneburg.
  • Direction of the DAAD-funded project "Between Logistics and Migration: Duisburg and the New Silk Road" (2017-2018) with Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter from the Institute for Culture and Society at Western Sydney University and Armin Beverungen from the University of Siegen as project partners.
  • Research & Conference Project "Dangerous Conjunctures. On the Actuality of Balibar/Wallerstein's Race, Class, Nation" took place at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt from 15 March 2018 to 17 March 2018, co-curated with Katrin Klingan (and in cooperation with Theo Geoldberg, Francoise Verges, Sandro Mezzadra, Veronica Gago as well as Kaushik Sunder Rajan), material and videos can be found online at:
  • 2015-2016: "Migration as a Central Perspective. Discourses, Institutions, Migrant Practices", funded by Leuphana University Lüneburg, small research project.
  • Research projects on "Desolidarisation and Racism" (2016) and "Logistics of Flight" (2016) as part of the "Flight Cluster" at BIM.
  • A series of international summer universities from 2013-2016: Teaching the Crisis (2013) (funded by DAAD and Humboldt University), "Expanding the Margins" (2014) & "Investigating Logistics" (2016-2017) (funded by the KOSMOS programme of Humboldt University) together with KOSMOS Fellow Sandro Mezzadra (University of Bologna) and Michael Hardt (Duke University) as well as Brett Neilson & Ned Rossiter (University of Western Sydney, Institute for Culture and Society). All online

Forthcoming Books and Publications


  • 2023 "Cultures of Rejection. Special Issue of Patterns of Prejudice" together with Benjamin Opratko. In preparation.
  • 2022: "Handbuch Rassismusforschung" together with Paul Mecheril, Patrice Poutrus, Marcus Quent, Nomos-Verlag. In preparation.
  • 2021 "Racism. In Search of Media" co-edited with Nelly Y. Pinkrah, Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press. In preparation.
  • 2021 "Rassismus", in: Brigitta Schmidt-Lauber and Manuel Liebig (eds.): Begriffe der Gegenwart. A Cultural Studies Glossary. Vienna: Böhlau. Forthcoming.
  • 2021 "'The Spirit of Europe.' Differential Migration, Labour and Logistificationcs", in: Grappi, Giorgio (Ed.): Contested justice. Europe and migration in a global perspective. London: Routledge.

Books and Publications (Selection)

• 2021 „Cultures of Rejection in the Covid-19 Crises“, together with the Research Group Cultures of Rejection in: Ethnic and Racial Studies, Volume 44 Issue 04.

• 2020 „Körper, Daten, Arbeitskraft. Ein Gespräch zu Migration und Arbeit unter digitalen Bedingungen“, together with Moritz Altenried und Mira Wallis, in: Berliner Blätter – Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge. Sonderband: Digitale Arbeitskulturen: Rahmungen, Effekte, Herausforderungen, 43-53.

• 2020 „Migration und Digitalisierung. Umrisse eines emergenten Forschungsfeldes“, in: Peterilini, H.P. und Donlic, J. (Hg.): Digitale Medien. Bielefeld: transcript, 9-22.

• 2020 „Platform Im/mobilities: Migration and the Gig Economy in Times of Covid-19“, together with Moritz Altenried and Mira Wallis, in: Routed, Issue 10,  Migration & (Im)Mobility Magazine, June.

• 2020 „Debating Platform Capitalism. Notas Y Discusiones“, together with Sandro Mezzadra., in: Soft Power. Revista euro-americana de teoría e historia del apolitical y del derecho, Vol. 7, Enero-Junio, 237-274

• 2020: „Anti-racism as method“, in: Solomos, John (Hg.): The Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Racisms, 193-204.

• 2020 „Minor Keywords of Political Theory: Migration as a Critical Standpoint,« gemeinsam mit Claudia Aradau, Brenna Bhandar, Manuela Bojadžijev, Josue David Cisneros, Nicholas De Genova, Julia Eckert, Elena Fontanari, Tanya Golash-Boza, Jef Huysmans, Shahram Khosravi, Clara Lecadet, Patrisia Macías Rojas, Federica Mazzara, Anne McNevin, Peter Nyers, Enrica Rigo, Stephan Scheel, Nandita Sharma, Maurice Stierl, Vicki Squire, Martina Tazzioli, Huub van Baar, William Walters in: Environment and Planning C: Politics & Space. Accepted.

• 2019 „Europa dezentrieren. Beiträge zu einer reflexiven Anthropologie globaler Verflechtungen“, hg. together with Jens Adam, Regina Römhild, Michi Knecht, Paweł Lewicki, Nurhak Polat, Rika Spiekermann, Campus: Frankfurt am Main.

• 2019 „Die Logistik der Migration. Ethnographische und epistemische Perspektiven“, in: Johler, R. und Lange, J. (Hg.): Konfliktfeld FluchtMigration. Historische und ethnographische Perspektiven. Münster: Transkript (Reihe: Kultur und soziale Praxis), 31-48.

• 2019 „Komplexe Verhältnisse, heftige Affekte, politische Strategien: Ein Expert*innengespräch über Rassismus/Antisemitismus und den Zustand der Debattenkultur« mit Manuela Bojadžijev, Saba-Nur Cheema, Marina Chernivsky, Max Czollek, Sigmount Königsberg, Meron Mendel, Peter Ullrich, Leah Wohl von Haselberg, in: Lernen aus der Geschichte, Magazin vom 27. November 2019 (09/19), online at:

• 2019 „Najkraći put u svet – Der Kürzeste Weg in Die Welt. Migracija, građanska prava i EU u državama bivše Jugoslavije – Novi pogled nakon 15 godina« und »The Fastest Route Into The World – Der Kürzeste Weg in Die Welt Migration, Civil Rights and th­­e EU in the Former Yugoslavian Countries – An update after 15 year“, in: Ana Panić & Simona Ognjanović (Hg.): The Nineties: A Glossary of Migrations (Katalog zur Ausstellung), Museum of Yugoslavia, 73-92. Online unter:

• 2018 „Race, Nation, Class: Rereading a Dialogue for our Times“, hg. together with Katrin Klingan. Hamburg: Argument-Verlag.

• 2018 „Konjunkturen der Rassismustheorie in Deutschland“, in: Naika Foroutan, Christian Geulen, Susanne Ullmer, Klaus Vogel, Susanne Wernsing (Hg.): Das Phantom „Rasse“. Zur Geschichte und Wirkungsmacht von Rassismus. Köln: böhlau-Verlag,  47-64.

• 2018 „Is there an option to go beyond racism? Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein in Conversation with Manuela Bojadžijev“ in: Dies., Katrin Klingan (Hg.): Race, Nation, Class: Rereading a Dialogue for our Times. Hamburg: Argument-Verlag, 2018, 264-277.

• 2018 „Grounding Logistics. Ethnographische Zugriffe auf Logistik, Migration und Mobilität“, ed. together with Arnold, S., Apicella, A., Berliner Blätter, Berlin, Panama Verlag.

• 2018 „Migration as Social Seismograph: An Analysis of Germany’s ‘Refugee Crisis’ Controversy“, in: International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 117:2, 1-22.

• 2018 „Logistische Grenzlandschaften. Politiken und Vermittlung von mobiler Arbeit in Deutschland nach dem Sommer der Migration“ together with Moritz Altenried, Leif Höfler, Sandro Mezzadra und Mira Wallis, in: Movements.

• 2018 „Labour migration in the digital age“ Border Criminologies Blog at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oxford for the special theme »Migrant Digitalities«:

• 2018 „Migration und Integration. Zur Genealogie des zentralen Dispositivs“, in: Migration und Soziale Arbeit, Jg. 40, Heft 1, 54-61.

• 2018 „Rassismusforschung in Deutschland. Prekäre Geschichte, strukturelle Probleme, neue Herausforderungen“, in: Dürr, Tina (Hg.): Leerstelle Rassismus. NSU und die Folgen. Together with Katherine Braun, Manuel Liebig, Benjamin Oprtako. Im Erscheinen.

• 2018 „Logistical Borderscapes: Politics and Mediation of Mobile Labor in Germany after the Summer of Migration“, together with Moritz Altenried, Leif Höfler, Sandro Mezzadra sowie Mira Wallis, in South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 117, No. 2, 291-312.

• 2017 „Aber wer sind ›sie‹? Roundtablegespräch, moderiert von Helmut Draxler zu Flucht und Migration als Herausforderung des politischen Denkens“, together with Nikita Dhawan und Christoph Menke, in: Texte zur Kunst, Nr. 105, Jg. 27.

• 2017 „Virtual Migration, Racism and the Multiplication of Labour“, gemeinsam mit Moritz Altenried, in: spheres. Journal for Digital Cultures. No. 4, online at:

• 2017 „Digitale Migration“ in: Nach der Revolution. Ein Brevier digitaler Kulturen, hrsg. Beyes, Timon, Jörg Metelmann und Claus Pias, Zeit-Verlag: Berlin, 13-24.

• 2017 „Doing Commons: Gentrifizierung oder das Ringen um das Gemeinsame im städtischen Raum“, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, Heft 3-4, 274-292.

• 2016 „Identity: fortress or Paradox?“, in: Zink, Veronica, Johanna Fernández, Danae Gallo González (Hg.): W(h)ither Identity. Positioning the Self and Transforming the Social. WVT: Trier.

• 2016 „Is there a post-racism? On David Theo Goldberg’s conjunctural analysis of the post-racial“, in: Ethnic and Racial Studies. Volume 39, 2235-2240.

• 2015 „Housing, financialisation, and migration in the current global crisis. An ethnographically informed view from Berlin“, in: South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol. 114/1.

• 2015 „Zur Entwicklung der Rassismusforschung in Deutschland“, in: D. Martin/S. Martin/J. Wissel (Hgs.): Perspektiven und Konstellationen kritischer Theorie. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.

• 2015 „Rassismus ohne Rassen, fiktive Ethnizitäten und das genealogische Schema. Étienne Balibar’s theoretisches Vokabular für die kritische Migrations- und Rassismusforschung“, in: P. Mecheril/J. Reuter (Hgs.) Schlüsselwerke und Referenztheorien der Migrationsforschung. VS Springer Verlag.

• 2015 „Refugee crisis or crisis of European migration regime?“, in

• 2015 „Die große Herausforderung“, Circular 4 of medico international:

• 2014 „Vom Rand ins Zentrum. Perspektiven einer kritischen Migrationsforschung“. Berliner Blätter, Heft 1/2014, gemeinsam mit „Labor Migration“.

• 2014 „Resonance and Reach: Discussions on Racism between the UK and Germany since the 1970s“, in Ethnic and Racial Studies Review, Volume 37 Issue 10, 1808-1814.

• 2008 „Die windige Internationale. Rassismus und Kämpfe der Migration“, Münster, (2. Auflage, 2012).

• 2008 „Turbulente Ränder. Neue Perspektiven auf Migration an den Grenzen Europas“, Münster (2. Auflage 2009).

Related Link

For a comprehensive list of publications see also:



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