Fairwork Project
Digital platforms have transformed labour markets in the recent decade. The Fairwork Project evaluates the working conditions offered by digital platforms against a number of “fair work principles” in 20 countries around the world.
Fairwork is committed to highlighting best and worst labour practices in the platform economy. The project goal is to show that better, and fairer, jobs are possible in the platform economy. Through a global network of researchers, the project evaluates the working conditions of digital platforms and ranks them based on five principles of fair work: fair pay, fair conditions, fair contracts, fair management and fair representation.
The Fairwork project uses three approaches to effectively measure the fairness of working conditions on digital labour platforms: desk research, worker interviews and surveys, as well as interviews with platform management. Through these methods, it seeks evidence on whether platforms act in accordance with the five Fairwork Principles. On a regular basis, the project publishes country reports which rate platforms according to these conditions.
The Fairwork project is based at the Oxford Internet Institute and the WZB Berlin Social Science Centre. It is financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The Fairwork Team at Humboldt University, represented by Manuela Bojadzijev, Moritz Altenried, Mira Wallis, Valentin Niebler, Stefania Animento as well as student assistants Tiziana Ratcheva, Philipp Staab and Daniel Jarczyk has a focus on migration and the gig economy and is in charge of organising an international Fairwork Winter School at TU Berlin.
Website: http://fair.work