Emeti Alisch
- Research Associate in the Department of Integration Research and Social Policy
Emeti Alisch has been a research associate at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM) at the Humboldt University of Berlin since 2021 and a doctoral candidate
at the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS).
She is working and doing her doctorate within the BMBF-funded research project "German Islam.
as an Alternative to Islamism? Responses to Islamist Threats in Muslim Associations, Communities and Lifeworlds" (D:Islam).
She studied education and political science in Heidelberg and Istanbul. After her studies, she worked as a research project assistant for the Protestant Academy of the Palatinate and as a study director at the Muslim Academy in Heidelberg.
Research Interests
- Community Development
- Collective Learning in Religious Communities
- Processes of Religious Boundary Making
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