Aktuelle Publikationen
- Schotte, K., Taraszow, T., Heppt, B., Gesner K. (2024). Listening Comprehension Tests of Elementary School Sutdents‘ First Language Proficiency in Russian and Turkish. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. Online-Vorveröffentlichung.
Paizan M.A., Benbow A.E.F., Titzmann P.F. (2024). Relationship quality in student-teacher-dyads: Comparing student and teacher determinants in multicultural classrooms. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 101.
- Boda, Z., Lorenz, G., Jansen, M., Stanat, P. & Edele, A. (2023). Ethnic diversity fosters the social integration of refugee students. Nature Human Behaviour.
- Edele, A., Seuring, J., Schotte, K., Kristen, C., Stanat, P. (2023). Is the First Language a Resource, an Obstacle, or Irrelevant for Language Minority Students' Education?. In: Weinert, S., Blossfeld, G.J., Blossfeld, HP. (eds) Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories. Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment. Springer, Cham.
- Hunkler, C., Schotte, K. (2023): Educational Integration by the Third Generation? Placement and Academic Achievement of Students with Immigrant Background in Germany. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft.
- Edele, A., & Stanat, P. (2022). Zuwanderung und soziale Ungleichheit [Immigration and social inequality]. In H. Reinders, D. Bergs-Winkels, A. Prochnow & I. Post. (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch Empirische Bildungsforschung: Eine elementare Einführung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Schotte, K., Rjosk, C., Edele, A., Hachfeld, A. & Stanat, P. (2022). Do teachers’ cultural beliefs really matter for students’ school adaptation? A multilevel analysis of students’ academic achievement and psychological school adjustment. Social Psychology of Education, 25, 75–112.
- Winkler, O., Jansen, M. & Edele, A. (2022). Warum gibt es in Ostdeutschland weniger einwanderungsbezogene Bildungsungleichheit? Bedingungen der Bildungsbeteiligung und Lesekompetenz von Heranwachsenden mit Einwanderungsgeschichte in Ost- und Westdeutschland [Why is there less immigration-related educational inequality in East Germany? Conditions of educational participation and reading literacy of immigrant adolescents in East and West Germany]. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 51(2), 131-153.
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