Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM)

Veranstaltungshinweis: Sahar Sadeghi über iranische Identitäten

Anhand von in Kalifornien und Hamburg geführten Interviews zeigt Sahar Sadeghi, wie globale Ereignisse, politische Maßnahmen und das soziale Klima das Zugehörigkeitsgefühl von Iraner*innen in ihrer Wahlheimat prägen. / Drawing from interviews with Iranians in California and Hamburg, Sahar Sadeghi shows how global events, political policies, and social climates shape Iranians' sense of belonging in their adopted countries.



Book Talk with Sahar Sadeghi, Associate Professor of Sociology‌, Muhlenberg College:
„Conditional Belonging: The Racialization of Iranians in the Wake of Anti-Muslim Politics“

Time: Monday, July 8, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Place: Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung
Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße 40/41,  5. OG, Room 507 



Iranians have a complex relationship with race. Despite being categorized as "white" by the US census, many Iranian Americans face marginalization and daily racial and political stigma. In contrast, Iranian Germans, seen as 'good foreigners' after decades in Germany, still experience marginalization and discrimination, revealing the limits of integration and citizenship. "Conditional Belonging" explores these contradictions through a comparative analysis of the Iranian diaspora in the US and Germany, focusing on how immigrants are racialized differently. Drawing from 88 interviews with first- and second generation Iranians in California and Hamburg, Sahar Sadeghi shows how global events, political policies, and social climates shape Iranians' sense of belonging in their adopted countries.

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