Book presentation with Ayşe Arslan: „Women's Productive and Reproductive Labour. Class and Gender Inequalities in Turkey“
- Book presentation with Ayşe Arslan: „Women's Productive and Reproductive Labour. Class and Gender Inequalities in Turkey“
- 2024-12-03T16:30:00+01:00
- 2024-12-03T23:59:59+01:00
- Wann 03.12.2024 ab 16:30 Uhr
- Wo Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, Anton-Wilhelmstr. (M-Straße) 40/41, 10117 Berlin
- Name des Kontakts
Discussion with Ayşe Arslan
We warmly invite you to a discussion with our new fellow Ayşe Arslan on Tuesday, December 3rd at 16:30 in room 211 (Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Str. 40-41, formerly M-Str.).
Ayşe joined IfEE and BIM as an Alexander von Humboldt Georg Forster Postdoctoral Research Fellow in July this year. Previously, she was a member of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Hacettepe University in Ankara. She received her PhD from SOAS, University of London, in 2018.
Her work focuses on class, gender, reproductive labour, labour regimes, working class organisation, immigration, the everyday and Turkey's political economy.
At the event, Ayse will present her new book „Women's Productive and Reproductive Labour. Class and Gender Inequalities in Turkey“, published this year by Routledge. You can find the abstract of the book below.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best regards,
Alex, Manuela, Mira, Moritz, Sowmya & Valentin
„Women's Productive and Reproductive Labour.
Class and Gender Inequalities in Turkey“
This book looks at the dynamic relationship between women's productive and reproductive work in a Global South country from a Global South perspective. Applying a feminist political economy and historical materialist approach and building on an ethnographic extended case study, it analyses the relationships between class and gender across both the productive and reproductive realms at the macro and micro levels in the case of women garment workers in Turkey. Overall, it shows that the material and social conditions of women's productive and reproductive work co-constitute each other. It suggests that productive and social reproductive labour should be examined as an integrated process and an interrelated social relation, in constant dialogue with other social relations.