Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM) | Aktuelles | Termine | Night Spaces: Migration Culture and Integration in Europe (NITE) 3rd International Conference , Leiden University 19.-20. Mai 2022

Night Spaces: Migration Culture and Integration in Europe (NITE) 3rd International Conference , Leiden University 19.-20. Mai 2022

Night Spaces: Migration Culture and Integration in Europe (NITE) 3rd International Conference , Leiden University 19-20. Mai 2022



Abschlusskonferenz des NITE Projektes an der Universität Leiden 19-20. Mai. U.a. mit einem Panel zu Plattformarbeit mit Manuela Bojadzijev (NITE) und Laura-Solmaz Litschel (NITE) vom Berliner Institut für Migrationsforschung.

Thursday, 19th May – Room 011 Gravensteen, Pieterskerkhof 6 2311 SR Leiden

9.00 – Walk in

9.30 – Welcome

09.45 – Work/Platform Work

Chair: Manuela Bodjaziev (Humboldt University)

Alessio Kolioulis
(University College London) – Building the nocturnal commons: foundational infrastructures for the night

Laura-Solmaz Litschel
(Humboldt University, Berlin) – Tales of the digitized night – Gig work, Migration and Smart City

Julius-Cezar MacQuarie
(New Europe College, Bucharest) – Inequalities in siliconised Romanian cities and among digital platform workers

Seger Kersbergen
(Leiden University) – The  Cape Verdean Sailor-Musician Hybrid: Work and Music in the Rotterdam diaspora

11.15 – Coffee break

11:30 – Keynote

Chair: Sara Brandellero (Leiden University)

Ilse van Liempt
(Utrecht University) – Geographies of the Night

12:30 – Lunch on campus

13:30 – Queer Infrastructures

Chair: Frans-Willem Korsten (Leiden University)

Ben Campkin
(University College London) – Queer Infrastructures: Migration and World-making in East London

Lo Marshall
(University College London) – Who Cares? Exploring caring infrastructures and practices within London’s LGBTQ+ nightlife.

Ben Walters
(independent researcher) – Homemade mutant hope machines

14.45 – Coffee break

15:00 – (Self-)Governance & Urban Planning

Chair: Ben Campkin (University College London)

Diana Raiselis
(VibeLab) – The A-Team: Awareness Teams in Berlin Club Culture as Self-Governance Practice for ‘Safe(r) Space’

Marion Roberts
(University of Westminster, London) – Urban Design, Migration & Nocturnal ‘Levelling Up’

Krystian Darmach
(University of Lodz) – Migrants, Foreigners and the City Night Life in Lodz – Anthropological View

16.15 – Policy roundtable, Sustainable and inclusive nightlife: past experience and future visions

Chair: Alessio Kolioulis (University College London)

Mirik Milan
(Vibelab) – Thys Boer (N8W8, Rotterdam)

Alice Fortes
(Director Art Studio) – Martijn Braat (Leidse Nachtraad)

19:00 – Conference dinner – Restaurant Scheltema, Marktsteeg 1, 2312CS Leiden

Friday, 20th May – Room 011 Gravensteen, Pieterskerkhof 6 2311 SR Leiden

9.00 – Walk in
9.30 –  Keynote 

Chair: Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues (Leiden University)

Marco Martiniello (University of Liège) – Are all cats grey in the dark? Encounters and separation in urban cultural nightlife
10.30 – Coffee break
10.45 – Launch session: Urban Pamphleteer #9; Crossings – special issue “Night Stories”; Sonic Signatures
11:15 – Sonic Signatures: How Migrant Music Constitutes the City at Night
Chair: Derek Pardue (Aarhus University)

Katie Young (University of Limerick) – Music, Memory, and Migration at Night: Relational Ways of Knowing Through Arts-Based Collaborations

Ailbhe Kenny (University of Limerick) – “Oh, I didn’t expect that”: The Black Irish Female DJ Journey

Nick Dunn (Lancaster University) – Nocturnal Polyphony: Mobile music-making as urban composition
12:30 – Lunch – Restaurant Pakhuis, Doelensteeg 8, 2311VL Leiden
13:45 – Culture/Leisure
Chair: Ailbhe Kenny (University of Limerick)

Sophia Abidi (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) – From migrants to expats: the case of young Australians in Berlin and their ‘desert island’ syndrome

Guillaume Robin (University of Paris) – Facing desocialization : resilience and reconstitution of nocturnal festivities in times of pandemic in the Berlin migrant techno community

Tchida Afrikanu (Laboratory for Advanced Studies Observamus, Federal University of Pernambuco)– Tejo Bar: a portal for the cosmopolitics of musicking

Chantal Meng (Goldsmiths, University of London) – Let’s Night Draw: Re-writing the Nocturnal Land/Cityscape
15:30 – Film Festival & Keynote (Trianon Cinema, Breestraat 31, 2311CH Leiden) Note change of venue

Chair: Sara Brandellero (Leiden University)

Will Straw (McGill University, Montreal) – Nocturnalizing: recent cinema’s preoccupation with the urban night

17:30 – Closing Drinks

Organizing committee
Sara Brandellero, Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues, Seger Kersbergen, Maxime Schut, Angel Perazzetta