Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM)

Katja Schwaller

Katja Schwaller SW






Katja Schwaller is an urban ethnographer and PhD Candidate in the interdisciplinary Modern Thought and Literature program at Stanford University. Drawing on media and technology studies, feminist-Marxist frameworks, and cultural, architectural, and geographical approaches to the built environment, her research examines the interplay of space, labor, and digital capitalism. She is currently working on a dissertation entitled Bubble Worlds: Urban Space and Everyday Life in Silicon Valley’s New Company Towns, in which she explores how technology companies imagine, appropriate, and (re)produce (sub)urban space around their world HQs in the Bay Area and how these visions are contested on the ground. As a Visiting Doctoral Fellow in the "Culture, Society and the Digital Lab" at Humboldt University, she aims to place these landscapes in a global context by conducting collaborative research on Big Tech's presence in Berlin and investigating potential translocal solidarities.

She is the editor, translator, and co-author of Technopolis, an edited volume on Big Tech and urban struggles in the San Francisco Bay Area, published with Assoziation A in Berlin and Seismo in Zurich in 2019. As a Digital Public Fellow, she serves as a Colloquy editor at Arcade, an online salon at the Stanford Humanities Center.




  • Schwaller, Katja. “Verhärtungen unter der Oberfläche – Mike Davis im Plattform-Urbanismus: Kommentar zu Mike Davis‘ „Festung L.A.“ (2006 [1990]).” sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 11, no. 3/4 (September 28, 2023): 411–28.
  • Schwaller, Katja. “Becoming Twitterlandia.” In Counterpoints: A San Francisco Bay Area Atlas of Displacement & Resistance, edited by Anti-Eviction Mapping Project. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2021.      
  • Schwaller, Katja. “1500 Block of Adeline Street.” In A People’s Guide to the San Francisco Bay Area, edited by Rachel Brahinsky and Alexander Tarr. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2020.
  • Schwaller, Katja. “How Invisibilized Work is Made Visible During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” In: Invisible Hand(s) – Hidden Labor, AI-Driven Capitalism, and the Covid-19 Pandemic, edited by Magdalena Taube and Krystian Woznicki. Multimedijalni Institute, Zagreb 2020.
  • Schwaller, Katja. “Stadt und Pandemie: Silicon Valley Urbanismus, kritische Infrastruktur und System-Relevanz.” In: Berliner Gazette, Jahresthema Silent Works, December 8, 2020.
  • Schwaller, Katja. “Stadt und Pandemie: kritische Infrastruktur und prekäre Arbeit im Plattform-Kapitalismus”. In: Berliner Gazette, Jahresthema Silent Works, December 15, 2020.
  • Schwaller, Katja, ed. Technopolis: Urbane Kämpfe in der San Francisco Bay Area. Zurich: Seismo and Berlin/Hamburg: Assoziation A, 2019. /
  • Schwaller, Katja. „San Francisco: Willkommen in der Hyper-Gentrifizierung!“ In: Die Wochenzeitung WOZ No. 38/2018 from 20/08/2018. Reprinted in German as well as in French and Italian translation in a slightly shortened version as: “Der Google Bus fährt, aber nicht für alle.” In: SEV No. 14 from 10/11/2018.
  • Schwaller, Katja. “San Francisco: ‘Die ganze Stadt ist dein Büro!’” In: Die Rosengartenstrasse. Beruhigt in die Gentrifizierung? Zwischenberichte 002, edited by the Chair of Sociology, Department of Architecture ETH Zurich, Mai 2018.



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