Selected Publications
- Bojadžijev, M., Philips, K. und Pinkrah, N. Y. (Hg.) (2023): Racism/Race. In Search of Media. Minneapolis: Minnesota University Press. In Preparation.
- Altenried, M. (2022): The Digital Factory. The Human Labor of Automation. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press.
- Kasparek, B., Hess, S. (2022): „Historicizing the Balkan Route: Governing Migration through Mobility“. In Viapolitics: Borders, Migration, and the Power of Locomotion, edited by William Walters, Charles Heller, und Lorenzo Pezzani, 183–208. Duke University Press.
- Altenried, M. (2021): Mobile workers, contingent labour: Migration, the gig economy and the multiplication of labour. In: Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (online first).
- Altenried, M., Dück, J. und Wallis, M. (2021): Plattformkapitalismus und die Krise der sozialen Reproduktion. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
- Bojadžijev, M. (2021): »'The Spirit of Europe.' Differential Migration, Labour and Logistificationcs«, in: Grappi, Giorgio (Ed.): Contested justice. Europe and migration in a global perspective. London: Routledge, 162-183.
- Harder, A., Opratko B. (2021): “Cultures of rejection at work: Investigating the acceptability of authoritarian populism.” In: Ethnicities. April 2021.
- Harder, A., Opratko, B., Bojadžijev, M., Bojanić, S. M., Fiket, I., Jonsson, S., Nećak, M., Neegard, A., Ortega Soto, C., Pudar Draško, G., Sauer, B., & Stojanović Čehajić, K. (2021): “Cultures of rejection in the Covid-19 crisis”. In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(5), 893–905.
- Harder, A. (2021): “Autoritärer Populismus und Krisen des Alltags. Erste Einblicke in ‘Ablehnungskulturen’. In: Widersprüche 162.
- Kasparek, B. (2021): Europa als Grenze. Eine Ethnographie der Grenzschutz-Agentur Frontex. Kultur und soziale Praxis. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
- Kasparek, B., Karamanidou, L. (2021): „A Welcome for Eight Months: Europe, the Summer of Migration and Global Justice“. In Migration and the contested politics of justice: Europe and the global dimension, herausgegeben von Giorgio Grappi. Routledge studies on the European Union and global order. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Litschel, Laura-Solmaz (2021): Während wir schlafen. Amazon, Lieferando, E-Scooter: Wie das smarte Leben neue Nachtarbeit schafft. Wer rackert so spät bei Nacht und Wind? In: Der Freitag, Issue 27-2021 online:
Litschel, Laura-Solmaz /Zych, Jola (2021): The augmented city: nocturnal platform labour under Covid-19 conditions in Berlin. Reimagining the Night. In: Urban Pamphleteer #9. Urban Lab. University College London. online:
- Wallis, M. (2021): »Digital Labour and Social Reproduction – Crowdwork in Germany and Romania«. In: Spheres Journal, Issue 6, 1-14.
- Altenried, M. (2020): The platform as factory: Crowdwork and the hidden labour behind artificial intelligence. In: Capital & Class 44(2), 145 - 158.
- Bojadžijev, M., Mezzadra, S. (2020): Debating Platform Capitalism. Notas Y Discusiones, Soft Power. Revista euroamericana de teoría e historia del apolitical y del derecho , Vol. 7, Enero-Junio, 237-274, online:
- Bojadžijev, M. (2020): »Migration und Digitalisierung. Umrisse eines emergenten Forschungsfeldes«, in: Peterilini, H.P. und Donlic, J. (Hg.): Jahrbuch Migration und Gesellschaft 2019/20. Schwerpunkt »Digitale Medien«. Bielefeld: transcript, 9-22.
- Altenried, M., Bojadžijev, M., Höfler, L., Mezzadra, S. und Wallis, M. (2018): »Logistical Borderscapes. Politics and Mediation of Mobile Labor in Germany after the Summer of Migration«. In: South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol 117, Issue 2, 291-312.
- Litschel, Laura-Solmaz /Faltenbacher, Sofia (2016): Digitaler Wandel: Es läuft nicht mehr wie früher. In: Die Zeit 15/2016. online:
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