Contributions to the BIM paper of 25.3.22 on consequences of the war in Ukraine
For the current BIM paper on the consequences of the war in Ukraine for migration and integration, departments of the Institute have compiled compact statements (in German).
- Here you can find the full Paper
Some of the papers are also available in more detailed versions here:
- Development of flight and migration / By Herbert Brücker and Zerrin Salikutluk
- Labor market integration / By Herbert Brücker and Zerrin Salikutluk
- Health-related challenges and infrastructure / By Dana Abdel-Fatah, Ulrike Kluge, Judith Köhler and Simon Ruhnke
- Recommendations for the education system / By Aileen Edele and Petra Stanat
- Daniel Kubiak and Katarina Stjepandic also wrote their own statement in the context of the BIM paper, topic: Ensuring social cohesion, avoiding inequality and double standards
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