Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)

Alison Benbow

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Research interests


  • The interplay of biological, psychological and socio-cultural change in the social development
    and adaptation of adolescents from various backgrounds.
  • Chances und challenges of increasing societal diversity for social cohesion and social justice in educational socialization contexts.

Academic and professional career


  • 11.2022 – present                               
    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Empirical Teaching-Learning Research under Conditions of Migration-Related Heterogeneity (Prof. Edele) at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM) and at the Institute of Educational Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
  • 11.2018 – 03.2022
    Project Coordinator Project LEITER (“The role of parent–teacher interactions in improving academic achievement of ethnic minority and majority adolescents”), funded through the “Niedersächsisches Vorab” made available by the Ministry for Science and Culture in Lower Saxony to the Institute of Psychology, Leibniz University Hannover
  • 04.2017 – 03.2022
    Senior Research Associate, Institute of Psychology, Leibniz University Hannover
  • 07.2011 – 03.2017
    Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Psychology, FernUniversität in Hagen
  • 04.2013 – 09.2014
    Project Lead for the Partner FernUniversität, Project “Diversity in the Learning Experience in (Higher) Education (DIV.ED)”, European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme
  • 10.2010 – 06.2011
    Research Associate, Department of Psychology, University of Augsburg
  • 04.2009 – 09.2010
    Research Associate, Institute of Psychology, Friedrich Schiller-University Jena
  • 02.2006 - 07.2009
    Doctorate in Psychology (Doctor of Philosophy - PhD), University of Kent, Canterbury, GB


Selected Publications


  • Paizan, M., Benbow, A. E. F., Aumann, L., & Titzmann, P. F. (2022). Home-Learning during COVID-19: The Psychological Adjustment of Minority and Majority Adolescents. School Psychology, 37, 75-84.
  • Benbow, A. E. F., Aumann, L., Paizan, M., & Titzmann, P.F. (2021). Everybody needs somebody: Specificity and commonality in perceived social support trajectories of migrant and non-migrant youth [Special issue: The impact of migration on child and adolescent development]. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2021, 176, 183-204. 
  • Benbow, A. E. F., & Rutland, A. (2017). Competence matters! Understanding biculturalism in British adolescents with migration backgrounds [Special issue: Growing up with diversity: A social psychological perspective]. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 27, 366-373.
  • Stürmer, S., & Benbow, A. E. F. (2017). Psychological foundations of Xenophilia: Understanding
    and measuring the motivational functions of exploratory cross-cultural contact. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43, 1487-1502.
  • Stürmer, S., Benbow, A. E. F., Siem, B., Barth, M., Bodansky, A. N., & Lotz-Schmitt K. (2013). Psychological foundations of xenophilia: The role of major personality traits in predicting favorable attitudes toward cross-cultural contact and exploration. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105, 832-851.



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