Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)

Dr. Christian Hunkler

Hunkler Christian SW



phone: +49 (0)30 2093-46258

Profile ZIS




Christian Hunkler studied social sciences and marketing in Mannheim, Utrecht, and Bloomington. He earned his doctoral degree in sociology from Mannheim University with a thesis on ethnic inequality in access to dual vocational education.

After his dissertation, he worked for the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy in Munich
and Konstanz University, and at DeZIM. Currently, he works in the departments Labor Market, Migration
and Integration as well as Education and Integration at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Research on Integration and Migration (BIM).

His current research focuses on integration, especially the integration of refugees in Germany, ethnic
and gender inequality in the labor market and the use of process-generated data (“Big Data”) for social scientific research, e.g., the relationship between age and productivity.


Professional Career


  • 10.2019 – present
    Senior Researcher at Humboldt University, Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research
  • 01.2019 – 10.2019
    Senior Researcher at the German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM)
  • 01.2019 – present
    External Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Social Law and Social Policy
  • 10.2015 – 12.2018
    Head of the research department Macro Implications of Demographic Change at the Max-Planck-Institute for Social Law and Social Policy
  • 10.2016 – 3.2017
    Visiting Professor substituting for Prof. Claudia Diehl (Chair for Microsociology) at Konstanz University
  • 2011 – 2015
    Senior Researcher at Max-Planck-Institute for Social Law and Social Policy
  • 2009 – 2011
    Researcher at Mannheim Research Institute f. the Economics of Aging (MEA)
  • 2007 – 2011
    Assistant Lecturer at the Chair for Sociology, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Esser /
    Prof. Dr. Frank Kalter, University of Mannheim




  • 2013
    Doctoral Degree in Sociology, summa cum laude, University of Mannheim


Selected Publications


  • Diehl, Claudia, Hunkler, Christan (2022): Vaccination related attitudes and behavior across birth cohorts: Evidence from Germany. PLOS ONE 17(2).
  • Börsch-Supan, Axel, Hunkler, Christan, Matthias Weiss 2021: Big Data at Work: Age and Labor Productivity in the Service Sector. Journal of the Economics of Ageing.
  • Hunkler, Christian, Aileen Edele, and Stephan Schipolowski2021: The Role of Educational Resources in the Labor Market Integration of Refugees: The Case of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Germany.Journal for Educational Research Online (13): 157-181.
  • Hunkler, Christian, and May Khourshed, 2020: The Role of Trauma for Integration. The Case of Syrian Refugees. Soziale Welt 71(2-3): 191-223.


All Publications (Status: March 2022)


Monographs and editorial boards

(3) Diehl, Claudia, Christian Hunkler, and Cornelia Kristen, Editors, 2016: Ethnische Ungleich­heiten im Bildungsverlauf. Mechanismen, Befunde, Debatten. Wiesbaden: Springer.

(2) Hunkler, Christian, 2014: Ethnische Ungleichheit beim Zugang zu Ausbildungs­plätzen im dualen System. Wiesbaden: Springer.

(1) Hunkler, Christian, 2008: Diskriminierung im Arbeitsmarkt. Ein Test der Frame-Selektions­theorie. Saarbrücken: VDM.


Journal articles with peer review * in (Social) Science Citation Index indexed journals

(10) Maciejewski, Linda, Christian Hunkler, Niklas Harder, Kristin Schotte (2022): Who Belongs to the Third Generation? On the Challenges of Definitional and Empirical Determination. Journal of Migration Studies 2(1): 151-163. PDF

(9) * Diehl, Claudia, Christian Hunkler (2022): Vaccination related attitudes and behavior across birth cohorts: Evidence from Germany. PLOS ONE 17(2). [Impact (2020): 3.2]

(8) * Börsch-Supan, Axel, Christian Hunker, Matthias Weiss 2021: Big Data at Work: Age and Labor Productivity in the Service Sector. Journal of the Economics of Ageing. [Impact (2020): 1.9].   

(7) Hunkler, Christian, Aileen Edele, and Stephan Schipolowski 2021: The Role of Educational Resources in the Labor Market Integration of Refugees: The Case of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Germany. Journal for Educational Research Online (13): 157-181.

(6) * Hunker, Christian, and May Khourshed, 2020: The Role of Trauma for Integration. The Case of Syrian Refugees. Soziale Welt 71(2-3): 191-223. [Impact (2018): 0.95].

(5) * Horr, Andreas, Hunkler, Christian, and Clemens Kroneberg, 2018: Ethnic Discrimination in the German Housing Market. A Field Experiment on the Underlying Mechanisms. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 47(2): 134-146. [Scopus Impact F.: 1.28].

(4) * Tjaden, Jasper, and Christian Hunkler, 2017: The Optimism Trap: Migrants’ Educational Choices in Stratified Education Systems. Social Science Research (67): 213-228. [Impact (2018): 1.765].

(3) * Börsch-Supan, Axel; Martina Brandt, Christian Hunkler, Thorsten Kneip, Julie Korbmacher, Frederic Malter, Barbara Schaan, Stephanie Stuck, and Sabrina Zuber, 2013: Data Resource Profile: The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), International Journal of Epidemiology 42: 992-1001. [Impact: 7.339].

(2) * Stocké, Volker, and Christian Hunkler, 2007: Measures of Desirability Beliefs and their Validity as Indicators for Socially Desirable Responding. Field Methods (19): 313-336. [Impact: 2.020].

(1) Stocké, Volker und Christian Hunkler, 2007: Die angemessene Erfassung der Stärke und Richtung von Anreizen durch soziale Erwünschtheit. ZA-Nachrichten (54): 53-88.


Contributions to anthologies with peer review process

(9) Hruschka, Constantin, Christian Hunkler, Tim Rohmann (im Erscheinen): Exklusionsmechanismen als Gegenstand der Migrations- und Fluchtforschung. Interdisziplinäre Überlegungen. In Berlinghoff & Kleist (Hrsg.): Interdisziplinäre Flucht- und Flüchtlingsvorschung. Nomos. 

(8) Hunkler, Christian, und Jasper Tjaden, 2018: Die Ausbildungsentscheidungen von Migranten im stratifizierten deutschen Bildungssystem: zu optimistisch? S. 71-107 in: Schilling, Elisabeth (Ed.): Verwaltete Biographien. Wiesbaden: Springer.

(7) Diehl, Claudia, Christian Hunkler, and Cornelia Kristen, 2016: Ethnische Ungleichheiten im Bildungsverlauf. Eine Einführung. S. 3-31 in Diehl, Claudia, Christian Hunkler, und Cornelia Kristen (Hrsg.): Ethnische Ungleichheiten im Bildungsverlauf: Mechanismen, Befunde Debatten. Wiesbaden: Springer.

(6) Hunkler, Christian, 2016: Ethnische Unterschiede beim Zugang zu beruflicher Ausbildung. S. 597-641 in Diehl, Claudia, Christian Hunkler und Cornelia Kristen (Hrsg.): Ethnische Ungleichheiten im Bildungsverlauf: Mechanismen, Befunde Debatten. Wiesbaden: Springer.

(5) Hunkler, Christian, Thorsten Kneip, and Gregor Sand, 2015: Growing Old Abroad: Social and Material Deprivation among first- and second-generation migrants in Europe. p. 199-208 in Börsch-Supan, Axel, Thorsten Kneip, Howard Litwin, Michal Myck, and Guglielmo Weber (Eds.): Ageing in Europe – Supporting Policies for an Inclusive Society. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.

(4) Hunkler, Christian, 2015: Können, wollen oder dürfen sie nicht? Ethnische Ungleichheit beim Zugang zu Ausbildungsplätzen im dualen System? S. 193-207 in Scherr, Albert (Hrsg.): Diskriminierung migrantischer Jugendlicher in der beruflichen Bildung. Stand der Forschung, Kontroversen, Forschungsbedarf. Weinheim: Beltz.

(3) Hunkler, Christian, 2010: Ethnische Unterschiede beim Zugang zu Ausbildung und Erwerb von Ausbildungsabschlüssen. In Becker, Birgit, und David Reimer (Hrsg.): Vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

(2) Hunkler, Christian, and Thorsten Kneip, 2010: Die Stabilität von Ehen und nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaften. Ein Test des Modells der Frame-Selektion. S. 181-212 in Walper, Sabine, und Eva-Verena Wendt (Hrsg.): Partnerschaften und die Beziehungen zu Eltern und Kindern: Befunde zur Beziehungs- und Familienentwicklung in Deutschland. Würzburg: Ergon.

(1) Hunkler, Christian, Thorsten Kneip, Julie Korbmacher, Stephanie Stuck, and Sabrina Zuber, 2010: Glimpsing into the Blackbox: Data Managing and Cleaning Processes. p. 44-54 in Schröder, Mathis (Ed.): Retrospective Data Collection in the Survey of Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe. Mannheim: MEA.


Public Science and Transfer

(3) Hunkler, Christian, David Schiefer, Niklas Harder, Janna Franke, David Tschöp, zusammen mit Frank Kalter, Naika Foroutan, und Magda Nowicka, 2019: Thüringer Zuwanderungs- und Integrations­bericht 2019. Erfurt.

(2) Hunkler, Christian, 2017: Schneller, höher, stärker. Wie produktiv sind ältere Menschen? In Vaupel, James W., und Andreas Edel (Hrsg.): Grünbuch „Alternde Gesellschaft“. English Version: Green Book Ageing Society. Short version:

(1) Hunkler, Christian, 2014: Können, wollen oder dürfen sie nicht? Ethnische Ungleichheit beim Zugang zu Ausbildungsplätzen im dualen System. In: Körber-Stiftung. Link.


Other publications

(9) Hunkler, Christian, May Khourshed, 2019: The Role of Trauma on Integration: the Case of Syrian Refugees. MEA Discussion Paper 05-2019.

(8) Khourshed, May, Christian Hunkler, Romuald Méango, Axel Börsch-Supan, 2019: Qualifications, Potentials and Life Courses of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Germany. MEA Discussion Paper 01-2019.

(7) Hunkler, Christian, Thorsten Kneip, Gregor Sand, and Morten Schuth, 2015: Identifying second-generation migrants and naturalized respondents in SHARE. p. 43-47 in Malter, Frederic, and Börsch-Supan, Axel (Eds.): SHARE Wave 5: Innovations & Methodology.

(6) Hunkler, Christian, 2013: Ethnische Ungleichheit am Ausbildungsübergang: Ein Überblick über den Forschungsstand. Munich: MEA discussion paper 13-2013.

(5) Hunkler, Christian, 2010: It Does Not Pay Off! Ethnic Differences in Investment in and in Returns to Educational Degrees in Germany. In: Proceedings of the International Sociological Association RC-28 Meeting “Social Consequences of Economic Uncertainties: Local and Global Perspectives” [CD-Rom], Haifa.

(4) Hunkler, Christian, und Thorsten Kneip, 2008: Das Zusammenspiel von Normen und Anreizen bei der Erklärung partnerschaftlicher Stabilität. MZES-Working Paper: 108.

(3) Hunkler, Christian, und Thorsten Kneip, 2007: Framing und die Instabilität von Ehen und Beziehungen. Universität Mannheim. Bericht für das Pairfam Beziehungs- und Familienpanel.

(2) Stocké, Volker, and Christian Hunkler, 2006: Measures of Desirability Beliefs and their Validity as Indicators for Socially Desirable Responding. SFB 504 Discussion Paper No. 06-03.

(1) Stocké, Volker und Christian Hunkler, 2004: Die angemessene Erfassung der Stärke und Richtung von Anreizen durch soziale Erwünschtheit. SFB 504 discussion paper No. 04-16.


Data and data documentation

(8) Börsch-Supan, Axel, Christian Hunkler, Romu Méango, May Khourshed, 2020: Qualifications, Potentials and Life Courses of Syrian Asylumseekers in Germany. 10.7802/1955 (DOI).

(7) Börsch-Supan, Axel, Christian Hunkler, Stefan Gruber, Agnes Orban, Stephanie Stuck, Jana Neumann, and Martina Brandt, 2015: easySHARE Version 10.6103/SHARE.easy.200 (DOI).

(6) Gruber, Stefan; Christian Hunkler, and Stephanie Stuck, 2014: Generating easySHARE: Guidelines, Structure, Content and Programming, SHARE Working Paper 17-2014.

(5) Börsch-Supan, Axel, Christian Hunkler, Stefan Gruber, Agnes Orban, Stephanie Stuck, and Martina Brandt, 2013: easySHARE Version10.6103/SHARE.easy.100 (DOI).

(4) Hunkler, Christian, Stefan Gruber, Agnes Orban, Stephanie Stuck, and Martina Brandt, 2013: Release Guide to easySHARE Release 1.0.0. Munich: mea.

(3) Stuck, Stephanie, Sabrina Zuber, Morten Schuth; Markus Kotte, Christian Hunkler,  Thorsten Kneip, Fabio Franzese, and Stefan Gruber, 2013: Release Guide 1.1.1 to SHARE Wave 4. Munich: mea.

(2) Stuck, Stephanie, Sabrina Zuber, Christian Hunkler, Thorsten Kneip, and Mathis Schröder, 2011: Release Guide 2.5.0 to SHARE Waves 1 & 2. Mannheim: mea.

(1) Stuck, Stephanie, Sabrina Zuber, Julie Korbmacher, Christian Hunkler, Thorsten Kneip, and Mathis Schröder, 2010: Release Guide 1 to SHARELIFE (Release 1.0.0). Mannheim: mea.

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