Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)

Dr. Daniel Kubiak


  • Research Assistant (Post-Doc) in the project „Renegotiation of Local Orders: Migration-Induced Diversity, Intergroup Relations, Conflicts and Integration Dynamics in the Neighborhood“


phone: +49 (0)30 2313 79 25 (Home Office)


Research focus


  • Social structure of Germany (especially new federal states)
  • Identity formation
  • Politics of memory
  • Gender relations
  • Democracy research
  • (Ecological) Urban research

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Academic and professional career


  • since 04/2020: Research network project: Renegotiation of local orders: Migration-induced diversity, intergroup relations, conflicts and integration dynamics in the urban district (IKG Bielefeld, IMIS Osnabrück, BIM) and BIM networking position in the DeZIM research community as research associate (post-doc)
  • 01/2012-09/2021: Research assistant (doctoral position) incl. study advising
    and study program coordination at the Institute of Social Sciences , Humboldt University Berlin

  • 06/2011-12/2013: various student assistant positions (e.g. in the research project „Bildungsarbeit im Umbruch“ and at the „Lehrbereich Diversity Politics“)




  • Office Manager at the Department of Urban and Regional Sociology, Institute of Social Sciences,
    Humboldt University Berlin

  • 2015-2019: PhD at the Humboldt University of Berlin in Sociology, topic: identity formation and othering of young East Germans. 
Referees: Prof. Karin Lohr
    and Prof. Naika Foroutan (the dissertation was successfully defended on 3.12.2019).
  • 2003-2011: Studies of Social Sciences (BA and MA) , Master thesis: "Ecological Urban Policy in US-American Cities "; Bachelor thesis: "Memory of Expulsions from a German-Polish Perspective"; stays abroad in Warsaw (PL), Denver (USA) and Flint (USA)
  • 2001-2003: vocational training in Berlin; specialist for system gastronomy (Hallo Pizza)

  • 2001: High school diploma in Berlin-Friedrichshain



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