Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)

Dr. Tim Müller

Müller Tim


  • Head of the Junior Research Group "Migration and the Welfare
  • Former head of the Junior Research Group "Determinants of
    Radicalization-Related Resilience in Adolescence" (project successfully finished in 2022)


phone: +49 (0)30 2093-70236

Profile ZIS



Tim Müller is a social scientist and junior research group leader of the BMAS-funded junior research group "Migration and the Welfare State" . He previously also led the BMFSFJ-funded junior research group "Determinants of Radicalization-Related Resilience in Adolescence" (project finished in 2022). Tim Müller is interested in applied quantitative research in the field of migration and integration.

Previously, he investigated the labor market integration of refugees in the research project "GeFam - Refugee Families in Germany" and served as co-project leader of the collaborative study "Diversity in the Classroom - How Teachers Can Promote Good Performance."

After studying at the University of Mannheim, he completed his PhD on mechanisms of secularization at the University of Oxford in 2013.

As a collaborator at HU Berlin, he conducted studies on "Hybrid Identities" and prejudice against Muslims in Germany.

At Linköping University and the Institute for Futures Studies (Stockholm), he was involved as a research associate in work on residential segregation of immigrants in Sweden.

Together with the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR), he also conducted a study on the application of social psychological interventions to improve the school performance of children and adolescents with an immigrant background.


Current work and research focus


  • Welfare state research
  • Radicalization prevention
  • Political sociology
  • Educational inequality
  • Social psychology (self-affirmation, intergroup processes)
  • Quantitative methods of empirical social research

Selected publications

Müller, T., Fetz, K., Uca, N., Klose, C., Kleffmann, N., & Talmatzky, M. (2023). Determinanten radikalisierungsbezogener Resilienz im Jugendalter. Entwicklung eines Interventionstoolkits zur Förderung der Resilienz gegenüber rechtsextremen und radikal-islamistischen Ideologien. Ergebnisbericht und Handreichung für Praktiker:innen der Extremismusprävention. [Determinants of radicalization-related resilience in adolescence. Development of an intervention toolkit to promote resilience to far-right and radical Islamist ideologies. Results report and handout for practitioners of extremism prevention.] Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Lokhande, Mohini und Tim Müller (2019): Double Jeopardy - Double Remedy? The Effectiveness of Self-Affirmation for Improving Doubly Disadvantaged Students' Mathematical Performance. Journal of School Psychology 75: 58-73.

Müller, Tim, Johan Koskinen und Thomas Grund (2018): Residential segregation and ‘ethnic flight’ vs. ‘ethnic avoidance’ in Sweden. European Sociological Review 34(3): 268–285.

Müller, Tim und Mohini Lokhande (2017): „Wider die Stereotypisierung: Bessere Schulleistung durch Selbstbestätigung.“ [Against stereotypes: improving school performance through self-affirmation] In: Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM) & Forschungsbereich beim Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration (SVR-Forschungsbereich) (Hrsg.): Vielfalt im Klassenzimmer. Wie Lehrkräfte gute Leistung fördern können. Berlin. S. 38-57.

Müller, Tim, Nan Dirk de Graaf und Peter Schmidt (2014): Which societies provide a strong religious socialization context? Explanations beyond the effects of national religiosity. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 53(4): 739-759.

Müller, Tim und Anja Neundorf (2012): The Role of the State in the Repression and Revival of Religiosity in Central Eastern Europe. Social Forces 91(2): 559-582.

Academic career


  • Since 2016 Research Associate at the Berlin Institute for Empirical Research on Integration and Migration, Humboldt University Berlin
  • 2016-2017 Research Associate at the SVR Research Unit.
  • Research Associate at the Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University, Sweden, 2014-2015
  • Research associate at the Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, 2013-2014
  • Research Associate at the Humboldt University of Berlin, JUNITED research project, 2012-2013.
  • Visiting scholar at the Humboldt University of Berlin, research project HEYMAT, 2011-2012
  • Doctorate in DPhil Sociology at the University of Oxford, Nuffield College, 2008-2013
  • Studies of Social Sciences (Sociology, Social Psychology, Methods of Empirical Social Research), University of Mannheim, 2003-2008; Degree: Diploma in Social Sciences


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